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International airport «Gagarin»
Open hours: arround the clock
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Gagarin Airport Holds Emergency Rescue Exercise

Gagarin International Airport (managed by the Airports of Regions MC) held exercises of its emergency rescue team in preparation for the autumn-winter period. The drill was conducted at a special training area with the evacuation of victims performed by the airport employees.
The emergency rescue team included representatives of the airport health center, traffic management, ground services and aviation security, as well as airfield services. The EMERCOM forces, police and other agencies are also involved when necessary.
Fire and Rescue Service of Gagarin Airport holds such drills on a regular basis, with 76 rescuers engaged. The latter are equipped with all necessary vehicles and machinery and are ready to use their knowledge and expertise in rescuing people both inside and outside the airport area at any time.
As part of the drill, an emergency rescue team on duty at the airport arrived on alert at the scene of a mock plane crash and a field medical station was deployed. Upon fire suppression, the emergency rescue team performed evacuation of injured persons as well as liquidation of consequences of the accident, bringing the airport working area back to a standard condition.
During the exercise, the rescue team performed well gathering in a designated area when the alarm was given, extinguishing the engine fire, skimming spilled jet fuel, deploying a field medical station, and demonstrating a high level of interaction between the duty shifts of various airport services.
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